Conehead Flash Bugger

Conehead Flash Bugger

Conehead Flash Bugger
This woolly bugger variation features a conehead for weight and a little more flash than the standard woolly bugger. Deadly for anything in fresh and can be tied in a bunch of different sizes.

Hook - Long shank streamer hook
Thread - 3/0 or large, 140 denier streamer thread
Tail - Angel Hair with marabou fibers as a vail
Body - Angel Hair wrapped up the body with saddle hackle palmered forward
Rib - Thread crossed wrapped over hackle
Collar - UV Red Ice Dub
Step 1 - Attach thread and wrap back leaving thread at the hook point
Step 2 - Tied in your flash tail ON TOP of the hook shank back to the start of the bend
Step 3 - Tie in marabou fibers over/around the flash tail and wrap forward to the mid shank
Step 4 - Make a loop out of your thread^, and nip it at one end to create a strand to to cross rib your hackle
Step 5 - Prep your hackle by grabbing the tip and stroking the fibers back and tie in by the tip
Step 6 - Tie in a long clump of Angel Hair after the hackle, wrapping back to the bend
Step 7 - Wrap angel hair forward and and tie off on the top of the hook
Step 8 - Pull the Angel Hair back and tie down as a wing
Step 9 - Pull your Angel Hait back and palmer hackle forward to the cone
Step 10 - Cross rib hackle with thread rib, wrapping carefully using a "wiggle" as you wrap to avoid binding hackle fibers. Tie off.
Step 11 - Add Ice Dub Collar, tie off, glue, and trim thread

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