Color Scheme Menu
Hands down, Dirty Water offers the most extensive color scheme and flavor line up available. That is because we all like to throw something a little different, with a bit of this and a hint of that. These combinations of material and texture add up to more specific representation and higher levels of confidence when the fly is swimming. Since most flies are tied to order, please note any tweaks such as dumbbell color, "hot belly", or similar tweaks.
All Nat
Base Colors - Sculpin Olive with UV Gold Body, trimmed out in cream, natural, or white
The All Nat is one of our favorite sculpin colors ways that certainly has elements of crawfish and other forage fish species. It has "All Natural" tones and fishes well in all conditions.

Baby Rainbow
Base Colors - Sculpin & Golden Olive, Pearl Body with Soft Pink Stripe trimmed out in olives or white
For pursueing big brown trout where there are abundant populations of rainbow trout live, a baby rainbow is great fun and flat out effective especially from Mid-July through the fall season when the smolt and juveniles are prevalent. Many other large predators have developed a taste for baby rainbows as well.

Big Bird
Base Colors - Sunburst Yellow with Polar Reflector Flash Yellow, trimmed out in oranges
Big Bird is one of original color ways and has been dispatched all over the planet since. This blend of yellow, gold, and orange is particularly attractive in tanic, green, and brown water. One our favorite "reaction" colors for brown trout, it is also smallmouth favorite.

Bayou Bengal
Base Colors - UV Chartreuse with UV Chartreuse trimmed out in oranges
This color explodes with light once in the water, and predators off many species have attacked the Bayou Bengal. Giant redfish in Lousiana cannot resist, and has landed giant lake trout all the way massive Alaskan Halibut.

Base Colors - Black
From fishery to fishery, there is no better color to fish than black. Simple, easy, and consistently effective.

Black & Tan
Base Colors - Black & Burnished Golden Tan with UV Gold body, trimmed in natural or cream
One of our all time favorites for sculpin, especially in clearish watered, dark bottomed fisheries.

Blue Steel
Base Colors - SIlver Dun, Iron Dun, and Fluorescent Blue with UV Silver Body, trimmed out in blue
Something about low light and tough conditions has made blue steel a clutch color scheme on many days. This is an excellent tanic water hawg catcher, and is one of our favorites for peackcock bass.

Blue Pearl
Base Colors - Flourescent White & Blue with Pearl Body trimmed in white and blue
This take on the classic Blue and White color way is a favorite for big water conditions in rivers and one our most popular for stripers both fresh and salt.

Black Death
Base Colors - Black & Red with Red Polar Refelctor Flash or Aqua Veil Chenille Chocolate Covered Cherry trimmed out in red
The classic big game baitfish fly inspired this color scheme, and reports indicate it might be our best "giant fish" flavor. We send these to jungles in Africa, South America, and Florida. Brown trout also have a soft spot for Black Death, and not many folks are throwing anything close.

Buffed Chrome
Base Colors - Iron Dun with pearl body trimmed out in chartreuse and white
We do not suggest going bass fishing without at least something in the Buffed Chrome colorway. It is a perfect shad, and has proven itself for a bunch of other species as well. Buffed Chrome is also one of our top El Salto flavors in the Wild Thing and Stripper's Delight for bass over 5 pounds.

California Tan
Base Colors - Burninshed Golden Tan & Tobacco Brown with UV Gold body, trimmed out in sunburst yellow
This is a highly effective colorway no matter what type of streamer is on your line. Anywhere with chub, suckers, trout, and really any minnow is a great place to throw a Cali Tan streamer.

Chocolate Covered Strawberry
Base Colors - Tobacco Brown and soft pink with UV Copper body trimmed out in pink
One of the most underated crawfish colorways, in low light, this coppery pink blend looks just like the Roasted Fire Tiger. Works very well.

Base Colors - Primrose cream with UV Gold body trimmed in white, cream, natural, and/or orange
Cream Resembles Everything Around Me. We have been fishing this color since the beginning and it is still our favorite in all conditions. This highly visible colorway also has a natural element to it. Nearly every baitfish, especially in freshwater, has some area of creamy goodness on their belly so this is always a good one to have on.

Base Colors - UV Purple with UV Rusty Copper body trimmed in orange
One of our more wild combinations, it is also one of our most effective. So many species have been caught on a Clemson Smoke & Mirrors, we lost count two years ago.

Cowboy Yellow
Base Colors - Sunburst Yellow & Tobacco Brown with UV Rusty Copper body trimmed in sunburst yellow
Truly a special colorway, this blend of Tobacco Brown and Sunbburst yellow is our most popular freshwater color in the Smoke & Mirrors. It works so darned good. This started as request from Trent Tatum at The Reef Fly Shop both as a productive colorway and also a nod to his beloved University of Wyoming Cowboys. Hands down, the Smoke & Mirrors in this colorway is a 100% must have in freshwater streamer fishing.

Def. Olive
Base Colors - Sculpin & Golden Olives with Polar Reflector Flash Olive, trimmed in olive
There is a saying in parts of Montana about streamers; they all work, as long as it olive.

Desert Storm
Base Colors - Burnished Golden Tan with Polar Reflector Olive Brown body trimmed in brown & olive
One our sleeper sculpin flavors, this is a wonderful choice for muddy bottoms eith tannish brown substrate.
Dirty Black
Base Colors - Black with UV Olive Copper body trimmed in sculpin olive
The number one sculpin colorway we have, the Dirty Black has led to giant brown trout more than any of our other colors. The contrast points are remarkable, and incredibly realistic for ares with dark bottoms.

Base Colors - Sculpin Olive & Flourescent Purple with Polar Reflector Olive Brown body trimmed in olive & purple
This green water special is gorgeous in the water and a great sculpin color to throw in places where fish have seen a few flies. Absolutely screams sculpin in the water.

Electric Chicken
Base Colors - Soft Pink with UV Chartreuse body trimmed in pink
After a few years of tying this pshycopathic blend of pink and chartreuse, we have truly been impressed. From giant speckled trout and redfish, to Mexican largemouth, this colorway has been an MVP on many occasions.

Fire Tiger
Base Colors - Sculpin Olive with UV Chartreuse body trimmed in orange
Does it get any more classic in the world of predators than the Fire Tiger colorway? We have been refining this color for the last couple seasons and the results have been large.

First Aid
Base Colors - Flourescent White with Polar Reflector Red body trimmed in red
Pike and other predators have a hankering for white and red, and our First Aid colorway uses red body with white trim that does damage and does not bleed out over time.
Base Colors - Flourescent Chartreuse & Purple with UV Chartreuse body trimmed in chartreuse
The Glowstick compliments the Bayou Bengal colorway very well, and offers a explosion of color in the water.
Green Butt Swamp Skunk
Sculpin Olive & Flourescent Chartreuse with UV Olive Copper body trimmed in Chartreuse
The Swamp Skunk is one of the most effective colorways we have for the marsh, and it also a great bass flavor on the freshwater side.

Iron Dace
Base Colors - Iron & Silver Duns with UV Copper body trimmed in silver dun
Incredibly abundant across many fisheries, Dace species are always at the top of the menu due to typically high populations in the fisheries where they are found. When water is, or has been cloudy, Dace become more silvery and iridescent. Enter the Iron Dace.

Base Colors - Life Jacket Orange
Not much to say here other than our flies have a number of line class world records to their credit in the shark world, specifically on the Stripper's Delight in JAWS orange.
Kevin Dacey
Base Colors - Sculpin Olive, Cream belly with UV Olive Copper Body trimmed in cream
Side by side to the Iron Dace, this olivy blend beautfifully mimis Dace colorways in more clear water situations.

Midnight Oil
Base Colors - Black & Flourescent Purple with Polar Reflector Black body trimmed in purple
Our number one tarpon inshore flavor, this is just a fishy colorway that often finds it way into any big game selection the world over. Beeg feesh.

Neon Pearl
Base Colors - Flourescent Chartreuse with Pearl Body trimmed in white and chartreuse
Our number one warmwater color, Neon Pearl brings chartreuse and white to another level of contrast and profile. It is a saltwater favorite one that is great to compliement any baitfish selection.

Olive & White
Base Colors - Sculpin Olive backed, Fluorescent white base with pearl body trimmed in natural, white, and olive
The timeless classic goes well just about everywhere, and is a top choice for many guides around the world. We like to tie in nearly every design we have for this reason.

Oro Y Plata
Base Colors - Burnished Golden Tan with UV Silver body trimmed in white & orange
This special colorway has been a hawg magnet not just in the freshwater but saltwater, too. Gold and silver is just fishy no matter where you are.

Pearly Whites
Base Colors - Flourescent White with pearl body trimmed in... white.
Throwing big white flies to big fish is incredibly fun and highly addictive. Streamer addicts rejoice.

Pink Panther
Base Colors - Burnished Golden Tan & Soft Pink with UV Gold body trimmed in pink
Very, very shrimpy. Very shrimpy.

Base Colors - Black & Silver Dun with UV Silver Body trimmed in white
This is a great all purpose color, especially if you are a Raiders fan.

Roasted Fire Tiger
Base Colors - Sculpin Olive & Golden Olives with UV Olive Copper Body trimmed in orange
One of the most versatile colorways we have, the RFT is both a crawfish, perch, or just something delicious. Notorious for big smallmouth, it has also hooked brown trout as long as your leg.

Rust Bucket
Base Colors - Tobacco Brown & Crawfish Orange with UV Rusty Copper body trimmed in orange
Rust Bucket is one of our top crawfish patterns in those particular flies, and is our number one choice for imitating sucker minnows.

Super Nat
Base Colors - Golden Olive with UV Gold Body trimmed in natural and white
Our first varitiation of the Smoke & Mirrors, the Super Nat is both visible to the angler and natural in the water.

Threadfin Shad
Base Colors - Golden Olive tail, Silver Dun base, Iron Dun Wing with UV Silver body trimmed in blue
One of the most prolific baitish in existence, the threadfin shad is the backbone of many sportfisheries. We have taken a number of the triggers and notable features with threadfin and incorporated them into our favorite shad style designs.

Thunder & Lightning
Base Colors - Black & Sunburst Yellow with UV Olive Copper Body trimmed in sunburst yellow
This spinoff of the Dirty Black features Sunburst Yellow trim and is a phenomenal sculpin pattern across any fisheries that have them. Excellent in the marsh as well.

Tim McCraw
Base Colors - Tobacco Brown with UV Copper Body trimmed blue & white
Ole Timmy is a true hawg finder. Big fish love crawdads and they simply have not been able to resist the bluesih hues built into the Tim McCraw Smoke & Mirrors and Lil Smokey. We could break the internet with big fish on Ole Timmy.

White Walker
Base Colors - Burnished Golden Tan with UV Copper Body trimmed in blue & white
Friend and Dirty Water supporter Zach Varce made it to a Montana fishing trip one spring with a few zombie-like, blue eyed Smoke & Mirrors in a coppery tan tones that absolutely TORE IT UP. Eversince, it has been a spectacular color across all of our designs.

Yellow Belly/Lambeau
Base Colors - Sunburst Yellow belly with Sculpin Olive back, Polar Reflector Yellow with olive trim
Blends of olives and golden yellows make for very attrative baitfish patterns that work across most fisheries. One of our favorite Pop Stars, we also love it in the Decepticon and Wild Thing series.