Winston Air 2 Fly Rod

Type: Fly Rod

Few rods have ever garnered immediate attention as the Air 2 9' 5 weight did when it reached the hands of anglers. Both beauty and power ooze from this rod. This all purpose trout and panfish rod has remarkable range in terms of tecnhniques and conditions. It has a fast action and stable butt section yet somehow loads easily and effortlessly. Dries, nymphs, and small streamers are all fitting. This is a rod that accommodates a variety of lines depending on your angling style and desired presentation.

The 9'6" is an absolute big water machine. Long casts, big mends, sinking lines, and heavy setups are all in the cards with this weapon.

Build: Boron & Graphite, 4 Pieces

Type: Hand Rolled Blank

Origin: Twin Bridges, Montana, USA

Action: Medium fast to fast action with the perfect extra pop


-6.5" Cigar handle of Flor Grade Cork

-Box Elder reel seat with Nickel Silver hardware

-Eco Slick Stripping guides with light wire snake guides

*Includes lifetime warranty to original owner with graphite tube and sock. Broken sections are rebuilt to fit perfectly at the Winston factory in Montana.